The Upper Skagit Library Board of Trustees will be having a meeting on Thursday, August 19th, at 6pm in the library building. Masks will be required for all who attend, regardless of vaccination status.
If you’d like to participate in public comment, but are unable to attend the meeting, you can send us an email, leave us a voicemail at 360. 853. 7716, or send a letter to our P.O. Box (P.O. Box 99, Concrete, WA 98237).
Listen to the audio recording of this meeting. (Coming soon.)

Looking for options for community service? The Board of Trustees has two open seats! Trustees do not need to live within Concrete town limits – in fact there are no official residency requirements, although we admit its much easier to be a trustee that lives in Skagit County.
Trustees are vital to the library, helping to ensure our continued growth!
If you’d like to learn more, or apply, email [email protected] or stop by the library during open hours.